صور عبارات انجليزية عن الام

صور عن الام بالانجليزية

نهتم بك جداً ونحاول تغطية كل ما تحتاجة حيث اننا اليوم نضع لك صور عبارات انجليزية عن الام وبتصاميم جميلة. حيث اننا قد قمنا باختيار اقوى كلام انجليزي عن الام واحلاه لذلك يمكنك الان التعبير عن حبك لأمك بها. عبر بصورة مكتوبة كلمات انجليزية عن الام الان وبعد تحميلها على الواتس اب الخاص بك مثلاً. 

صور عبارات انجليزية عن الام :

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thanks mom for loving me fven thovgh i’m weird.

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happiness is the smile of your parents.

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take my mom on the vacation of her dreams.

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I could write page after page about how much I love her give me the ink of two seas & I’d still need another MY Mother.

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every day is mothers day in islam.

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my mother  was first country the first place i ever lived.

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don’t worry mother your daughter is a soldier.

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thank you mom for your unconditional love.

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happiness is seeing my mother smile.

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home isn’t home without mother.

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mama you are my everything.

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i have the best mom in the world.

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call your mom.

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I love my mom.

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my parents aren’t rich but they’ve always found a way to make aure i had anything i ever needed or wanted and for that i’m forever grateful.

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dear mom and dad no matter what i will always love you.

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i appreciate my parents for not letting me get away with everything and do what i want as a kid because some of you turned out a mess.