رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي

رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي

أجمل المسجات أنك تقدم رسائل للأخ لتعبر له عن ماذا يعني لك وماهو شعورك تجاهه في هذه الحياة وكم أنت بحاجة إليه، كل هذا يمكن أن تقدمه لأخوك في رسالة ترسلها له أو تعبر بها مع الجميع لتأخذ تلك الرسالة من أجمل رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي التي وضعناها لك في الأسفل، نعم إن الأخ له شأن كبير في حياتك فهو السند والعون وهو ذراعك الأيمن فإن فرطت فيه فقد فرطت في حياتك ولا خلاف في ذلك، والآن نتركك مع أجمل رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي لتأخذ ما يناسبك منها.

رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي مترجمة

للأخ أهمية كبيرة في حياتك فلا يمكنك أن تعبر عنها في أسطر قليلة فأنت هو وهو أنت فإن فقدته فقد شلت حياتك، لتقدم رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي تعبيراً لأخيك عن حبك له وكيف تعيش الحياة معه.

  • They said, people will hurt, so build a wall around you. But I never had to build a wall around me. I had a brother like you who became THE WALL and protected me.

الناس يبنون حائطاً حولهم ولكني لم ابني حائط حولي لان لدي اخ مثلك الجدار الذي أسند إليه.

  • Life never gave me too many second chances. But it did give a brother who made sure I always do it right at the first chance.

الحياة لم تعطيني فرصه ثانية ولكنها اعطتني اخ يتاكد دائمأً من أنني اعمل الشيء الصحيح من المره الأولى.

  • I am all grown up. Maybe more mature than I ever was. But when it comes to finding a right direction in life, it is your advice Bro that I always count on.

انا اكبر ربما أصبحت اكثر نضوجأً من ما كنت عليه من قبل لكن عندما احتار في العثور على الطريق الصحيح في الحياة نصيحتك يا اخي فقط هي التي اعتمد عليها.

  • Some people can often TELL what is going on in my mind. But only you can FEEL what I am feeling in my heart. You, my brother, are truly a magician.

احياناً بعض الاشخاص يخبروني ماذا بي لكن انت تستيطع الشعور بما اشعر بقلبي فأنت اخي الساحر.

  • My little brother, people will choose sides, turn their back on you, stab you in your back. But always remember, your brother is always there to protect you, support you and love you until forever.

أخي الصغير، سيختار الناس تركك، ويديرون ظهورهم لك، ويطعنوك في ظهرك، لكن تذكر دائمًا أن اخاك موجوة دائمًا لحمايتك ودعمك ويحبك إلى الأبد.

  • I may not be your perfect sister. But to me, you are the perfect brother of this world. I love you.

قد لا أكون أختك المثالية، لكن بالنسبة لي، أنت الأخ المثالي في العالم، انا احبك.

  • We share the same memories, same house, same parents. Even the same blood flows through our veins! Dear brother, how can I not love you.

نتشارك نفس الذكريات ونفس المنزل ونفس الوالدين، حتى نفس الدم يتدفق عبر عروقنا! أخي الحبيب كيف لا أحبك.

  • I never liked the idea that babies grow up one day. That’s why no matter how older you get; I always like to think that you are still my baby brother.

لم أحب أبدًا فكرة أن الأطفال يكبرون مع الوقت، لهذا السبب بغض النظر عن تقدمك في السن ؛ أحب دائمًا أن أعتقد أنك ما زلت أخي الصغير.

  • You are the cutest brother in this world. Always were and always will be.

أنت الأخ الألطف في هذا العالم، كنت دائما وستظل دائما كذلك.

  • I wish I could go back to childhood and had those awesome fights and arguments with you. Only this time I would let you win some.

أتمنى أن أعود إلى الطفولة لنتعارك ونتضارب معاً، هذه المرة فقط سأسمح لك بالفوز ببعض.

رسالة لأخي بالانجليزي

الأخ هو أعظم شخص في حياتك فلا يمكن التفريط فيه أو الإستغناء عنه، لتعبر عن ما يعني لك أخوك في رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي لترسلها له أو تعبر بها مع الجميع لتمتنَّ لذلك الشخص العظيم في حياتك.

  • Only you can make me smile a million time with the same joke. My little brother, why are you so cute?
  • You are so cute that sometimes I think that you should be cast as a minion in despicable me 5.
  • From the moment I first took you in my arms, I told myself, “from now on, it’s my duty to make sure you’re happy always.
  • Is it really important to you that I give you the home Wi-Fi password when you already have an open access to the Wi-Fi in my heart? Think about it.
  • You and I am basically the same product but you are the one with a lack of common sense defect.
  • Dear little brother, don’t let anyone call you fat. You are not fat. You just weigh more than the most kids of your age.
  • You know what? You are so ugly and funny that you should be leading the minion army. Why are you even in the real world? Go make yourself an animation.
  • A rose is a rose even when I call it by other names, An idiot is an idiot even when I call him as a brother.
  • I am thankful to god because he sent me as a blessing for someone who needed it the most. You should be thankful too.
  • You are unique as only with you I can be equally smart and stupid, you are one of the closest people, with whom I can be myself.
  • If I were to choose: to be your sister or the princess, I would choose to be your sister. It is the greatest happiness for me.
  • You are not only my brother, you are a superhero, who turned my life into a fairytale. I love you.

كلام جميل للاخ بالانجليزي 

أخوك هو الشخص الذي لا غنى عنه فإذا استطعت أن تستغني عن الأكسيجين فلا يمكن أن تستغني عن الأخ، لتقدم أجمل رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي تلك الرسائل التي تعبر عن مكانته في حياتك.

  • God knew that only a genius sister like me could handle a stupid brother like you.
  • If there was an award for the most useless brother of the year, you’d be living legend.
  • Happy Birthday brother! Thanks for doing everything wrong first.
  • Age before beauty, brother. Age before beauty.
  • There’s no place I’d rather be than in your shadow. Happy Birthday to the shadow-iest older brother in the world!
  • Being younger than you hasn’t always been easy, but I have to say there’s nothing more satisfying than beating you in literally anything.
  • For your birthday and for a change, I was going to teach you something useful, so I thought of calculus. But then I decided you probably didn’t want a calculus lesson, so I’m NOT going to teach you calculus.
  • For your birthday, I’m going to treat you like you’ve always treated me. Just think about that for a second.
  • You are the most loyal, dependable, and honest person I’ve ever known. I am happy to call you my brother.
  • You are my amazing sister. I feel more powerful and confident because you are near. I love you.
  • I know that whatever happens in this stormy sea of life, you will always get my back. I love you.
  • Siblings are very important people in our lives. They teach us fairness, loyalty, and cooperation. Thank you for being my teacher, I love you.
  • Since our childhood, we shared the same dreams and created the same memories. When we grew up, we fulfilled all our dreams. I love you.
  • You are the closest person to me, who is my brother, my partner, my best friend. I love you.

رسائل عيد ميلاد الاخ بالانجليزي

عندما يحتفل أخوك بعيد ميلاده فكأنك أنت من تحتفل وتفرح والمناسبة تعتبر مناسبتك فأخوك يعتبر جزء منك، لتقدم رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي لتهنئة بعيد ميلادة وتعبر له عن فرحتك بتلك المناسبة.

  • To everyone else you may be my elder brother, but to me you are simply my hero. Never change.
  • Remember all those silly fights we had growing up? Haha I’m laughing about them now but seriously, did you steal my legos that one time. That was NOT COOL. Happy Birthday.
  • Happy birthday to the man who first taught me how to put underpants on my head. I’m looking forward to many more lessons from you in the future.
  • You’ve proven me wrong so many times before, little brother. I will never under-underestimate you again. Happy Birthday.
  • You inspire me to be a better person. Thanks for being a great older brother. Happy Birthday! P.S. Can I borrow money for dinner tonight? I swear I’ll pay you back.
  • Thank you for being my older brother and taking some of the pressure off of me. I owe you one, bro. Happy Birthday.
  •  You’ve already taught me so much as my older brother. Now I’m learning from you on how (not) to age gracefully. Happy Birthday.
  •  You’re one of the most important men in my life. I’m lucky to count you not only as my brother, but as my role model and my friend. Happy Birthday.
  •  I can’t help but smile when I think of you and all the hells you put me through as a kid. They weren’t funny to me then, but now I know you only did it because you loved me. Right? Happy Birthday.
  •  You are so generous that I know even though today is all about you, you’ll still find a way to give back to everyone else. Happy Birthday to a wonderful little brother.
  •  Even though you’re older than me, you’ve always made me feel special and like I had something to teach you. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. Happy Birthday.

كلمات لاخي حبيبي بالانجليزي 

من أجمل الأشياء التي يمكن أن تعبر بها عن محبتك لأخوك ويمكن أن تمتنَّ فيها بها هو أن تقدم أجمل رسائل للاخ بالانجليزي لترسلها له أو تنشرها مع الجميع في مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي.

  • Today I’m old enough to finally appreciate what a fantastic little brother you are.
  •  Being an older brother is a huge responsibility, and today I want to let you know that I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Thank you for being there for me.
  •  You might get all the responsibility for being the older brother, but you have no idea how hard it is to be the favorite of the family.
  • I grew up together with you and nobody in the world has as strong bond as we have. I love you.
  • I thank God that He has given you to me as my sibling and as my best friend.
  • Since childhood, you’ve been my partner in crime, my closest person, who has known everything about me. Years have passed, but nothing has changed.
  • Thanks for being an indispensable part of our tightly-knit family. You taught me so many things. I can’t be grateful enough for it. I love you.
  • I love you, my most supportive and understanding brother! Everything I have in life, I want to share with you.
  • You’ve been chosen by fate to be my sibling, but you’ve been chosen by my heart to be my best friend. I love you.
  • There are no more similar people in the world than we are. If related souls do exist, then my soul is you.